Member profile

Christel Wake

Last updated: 06 March 2024


Christel has over 20 years of experience in agriscience, working for both government and industry. She is currently a global residue scientist in the agrochemical industry where she specialises in residues in food and dietary risk assessment. Prior to this she has worked for the UK regulatory authority responsible for the regulation of pesticides, and also at the UK’s Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera). Christel has represented the UK as a technical expert at a range of EC and EFSA meetings and has delivered training on pesticide chemistry, residues and dietary risk assessment to industry and members of EU pre-accession countries. Christel has a BSc (Hons) degree in Chemistry and a MSC in Chemistry (by Research) from the University of York.

Register of Interests



Category of Interest Organisation/body and nature of interest (period)
Other fee-paid work from relevant organisations, consultancies Corteva Agriscience - Global residue scientist (May 2021 - present)

Historical Interests


Category of Interest Organisation/body and nature of interest (period)
Direct employment UPL Ltd (Previously Arysta LifeScience Ltd) (November 2015 - May 2021).